Thursday, August 14, 2008

ISIS Design and Configuration

This is using ISIS..

ISIS- was originally designed for the OSI protocol suite. The connectionless network services (CLNS) is used by the OSI protocols, and layer3 routing protocols used in connectionless network protocol (CLNP). ISIS is one of two protocols defined by the OSI at the network layer. Form of running ISIS on cisco router is integrated ISIS which support both CLNP and IP.
ISIS uses a two-level hierarchy, allowing a large domain to be subdivided into areas.
Like OSPF a central router will be elected to flood changes to the rest of the segment which greatly cuts down on database maintenance traffic. This central router is the designated intermediate system (DIS).

ISIS has three types of routers; level1 (L1), level2 (L2), and L1/L2.

• L1: can form adjacency with any layer1 in the same area and any L1/L2 in the same area.
• L2: can form adjacency with any L2 in any area and with an L1/L2 in any area.
• L1/L2: can form adjacency with any L1 in the same area L1/L2 in any area, and L2 in any area if two L1/L2 routers are forming adjacency they’ll actually form two of them an L1 adjacency and an L2 adjacency.
ISIS 4 types of protocol data unit (PDU’s)

FOR more information about these 4 types of PDU search in the GOOGLE it will help you!

Complete list of ISIS Network Types

• BROADCAST ( intended for LAN : default setting for multipoint WAN)
• Point-to-Point (everything else) :p
WARNING about configuring ISIS over frame-relay a separate frame map statement for clns broadcast and multicast must be written.


Configuration using the Diagram

int s1/0
no ip add
encap frame
no dce-terminal-timing-enable
no shut
int s1/0.1 multipoint
ip add
frame map clns 102 broad
frame map ip 102 broad
no frame inverse-arp

note: both R1,R2,R3 are the same configuration like this in frame, don't use frame-relay int-dlci etc, it because ISIS is using clns.if im mistake just tell me. and ofcourse different ip add, and dlci in R2 and R3.!

configuring ISIS using R1,R2,R3

R1#int s1/0.1 multipoint
ip router isis
int s1/0.2 multipoint
ip router isis
router isis
net 49.0001.1111.1111.1111.00
Note: all is the same in R1 configuration in R2,R3.the difference is the isis area.using ip router isis is to enable the interfaces. and to make an agreement between R2,R3 devices as to how going to transmit data.LOOK AT THE DIAGRAM.

Configuration of R2 and R4 using interface e0/0. specially the same in R3,and R5 but the difference is ip add ofcourse you know that. and R3,R5 im not configuring level-1 im using the default only reason im so tired ~)

R4#int e0/0
ip add
no shut
ip router isis
router isis
net 49.0004.4444.4444.4444.00
is-type level-1
R2#int e0/0
ip add
ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-1

Command to show using clns in ISIS:

#sh clns --- it show the enable interfaces, and the isis area etc..
#sh clns int e0/0 --- it show circuit type if its level 1 or level 1-2, and PDU etc...
#sh clns nei -- it show interfaces, SNPA the Mac add, or DLCI number, states if up, the TYPE if level-1 and etc...
#sh clns nei detail --it show the neighbor details ofcourse (detalye ng kapitbahay) the SNPA, state, type, area address,
ip add, etc
#sh ip route isis or sh ip route -- ofcourse you know that, look at my image ISIS4 you will see the summary add..

#######################ISIS AND OSPF they have a similarities just search it if you want to know###############
############and ofcourse they hace Differences search it again :p##################

Using ssh just look at the image see what happen.this is the command: This is just a bonus knowledge.

aaa new-model
aaa authen login default local
aaa authori exec default local
user redhot priv 15 pass password

ip ssh domain-name
crypto key generate rsa
ip ssh timeout 5---- seconds
ip ssh authentication-retries
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh ---telnet is splicy deny ~(

and in the right side that is nmap. nmap is using almost in hacking part. ill just type nmap -sV ip add -- this is to show the version.

and if you want to know about search it....

##########if you want more about ssh etc.... search iT! :~p ###################################
############################just look at my upload image configuration in my lab############################
###################if i have mistake just inform me thanks have a nice day!!!!###########################################
##########################################BY REDHOT######################################################################

1 comment:

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